Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Practice GO JUDO!!!

Hello all,

Thanks again for expressing interest in our club and for signing up. As promised I would send out information about our club to everyone. Currently we have a 5th degree black belt teaching ( Godan) and his name is Pete. You will all meet Pete on Wednesday and I'm sure he will wow you all. He is a wealth of Judo information and has the rank and years of experience to prove it. This semester I would like for our club to grow and for everyone to help expand the Judo club and Judo as a combat sport. As a reminder we are in the FRANKLIN STREET GYM not the Cary Street gym. The Franklin Street gym is located on Franklin Street very close to Monroe Park and Shafer Dining center or Market 810.Practice is from 7 to 9 but please come about 20 to 10 minutes early to help; set up the mats. Also please wear loose fitting clothing or workout clothes. It's very likely all of you will be learning Ukimi or the ways of falling ( So you will be safe in practice).

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night ( 7-9 )

Also please keep these links for future reference,!/group.php?gid=2200517808&ref=ts

Larry D'Arcangelo

Judo Club President ( Yonkyu )

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