Monday, May 23, 2011

Congratulations are in order!

Congratulations to Jacob Powell for his promotion to Shodan!  Jacob has been a tremendous influence in the VCU Judo club and I, for one, look forward to his continued success as both a teacher and learner of judo.

Also, congratulations to Jesse Claypoole.  Not only has he been elected as the club president for 2011-2012, but he has also advanced to the rank of Ikkyu!

I look forward to practicing with you both in the coming year!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Thea. I am still but a wee judoka babe.

I'll second that congrats to Jesse. I couldn't have succeeded in my promotion without him.

i'm looking forward to judo this summer - see you all there. i think Sundays (@4) and Mondays (@7) - but i don't know when that would start.

Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

I can't wait to hear the schedule either.

Looking forward to meeting Jesse and practicing with Jake again.

kodokanjudo said...

Both Jacob and Jesse have done a great job in the last couple of months and their performances certainly have shown it.

Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

Would love to train with Leo Valdes again too!

kodokanjudo said...

Jason, you can come over to Chad's class at MMA institute anytime.
I'll meet you there.

kodokanjudo said...

BTW jason,
Is there any way that both Jacob and Jesse can post on this blog?
I appreciate if you can arrange this.


Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

I have already extended that offer to Jesse, via Thea's instructions.

I just need to get an email address from Jake!

kodokanjudo said...

Jason, I'll file this under "service to judo" for your next promotion.