Monday, December 7, 2009

Pictures from Submission Only VI

Sorry this post is late. You've all probably already seen the pictures on Facebook, but here they are again!

Thanks to Nick, Anne, Jon, Tyler, Jason, and Zach for coming out to compete. Let's look forward to competing in Submission Only IX on March 6, 2010!

P.S. I figured out why the camera was so blurry; the shutter speed drops when it's not using flash for some reason. Hopefully knowing this, I'll take better/more photos in the future :)

1 comment:

Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

the picture of Son and Anne is pretty great.

Tyler looks ready to eat.

The team looks big. Let's keep doing this. This will only help us attract even more people to our awesome little family.

Thanks again guys, you were great!