Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spring Meeting

All club members and officers will need to meet in the coming weeks
to make some decisions about club events.

Be advised that practice location has returned to room 308 of the Franklin Street Gym.

Practice times, and days are still unclear.

If you were storing anything in the closet of room 331, you will have to wait until whenever the construction no one could tell was coming (how could they know?) is over.
Whenever that is. Sorry.

Practice will most likely be discontinued until Jan 14th. Please stay in touch with the blog, Facebook Group Page or via e-mail for any updates, and to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for a great Fall Semester VCU!

PS: Remember This
they are really coming soon. I swear.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Meeting Next Week

All current members will need to meet up with Kevin and the officers
next week to help make arrangements for the next semester;
a little house cleaning before the holidays

Date, time and location will be announced shortly!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Winter Break

Winter Break is coming soon;

Finals are next week.

Attendance was such that practice was canceled on Thursday night.

I am willing to host any practices on Friday night, as long as I have the commitment of two others to be there.
I don't think it's fair to ask our volunteer instructor Kevin to drive all the way down here to teach us and not show up.

So, I need to know:
Who's coming, what days?
Tues, Thurs and Fri

Please contact us soon or we will start canceling practices. Attendance is always less during finals and Winter break for obvious reasons, there's no shame in saying "I'm not coming, I need to pass this test" just let us know so we can save some time.
